(Thank you for the inspiration me b zola! :hi: )
Today I write with deep sorrow and intense outrage for what was done to the people of New Orleans. Untold numbers have died in New Orleans, not from Hurricane Katrina, but from the gross incompetence and criminal negligence of the federal government and the Bush Administration. Mr. Bush has steadily cut funding for numerous vital programs and services throughout his presidency. He cut FEMA funding; funding for which the mayor of New Orleans begged in order to prevent the catastrophic aftereffects of a devastating hurricane such as the one that we have just witnessed. Much of the catastrophic aftermath, the catastrophic flooding, might have been averted had Mayor Nagin’s pleas not been ignored, had FEMA funding not been cut under this brutal Administration. Much of the horror occurring as a result of the catastrophic flooding was entirely preventable. A US Naval ship, prepared to assist with fresh water, food, and medical assistance, followed Katrina to shore. It sat there waiting for orders that never came. FEMA repeatedly turned away aid and assistance. FEMA turned away boats, busses, police officers, firefighters, rescuers, medical assistance, food, and water in too many separate incidents to count. Water and food assistance were withheld until Mr. Bush arrived, five days later, for a photo-op. That is criminal. It is a crime against humanity. The failure of FEMA and Homeland Security, the agency under which it works, is well documented. Mr. Bush’s failure to fire the parties responsible for untold deaths is criminal negligence. While the people of New Orleans were suffering and dying in a living hell, Mr. Bush attended a birthday party, strummed a guitar, played golf, made political speeches, and made a stop to sell his agenda. It wasn’t until Mr. Bush began to feel the political heat that he shortened his vacation by one day. One day. Meanwhile, our fellow Americans were dying. Mr. Bush has historically refused to fire those under him who exhibit gross incompetence; instead, he promotes them and honors them with medals. During the catastrophic aftermath of Katrina, Mr. Bush affectionately patted Michael Brown on the back, saying "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." Such a remark to a man responsible for the deaths of hundreds, possibly thousands, of our fellow Americans, so many of them poor and black, might be expected from a grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. It is reprehensible that our president would utter such a grievous insult. We must have an independent criminal investigation, as well as a Congressional investigation. But first the safety of our nation and its citizens must be secured. The evidence that we are not in capable hands is overwhelming. Our national security depends on strong and competent leadership, leadership that does not currently exist in our Executive Office. I urge you, I beg you to use your voice to force the immediate resignation or impeachment of the entire Bush administration. I look forward to your response.