Well, if he is chairman of the board, he's also the chief executive officer, without question. . . . He's a great boss. He gives you an objective and then turns you loose on it, holds you accountable for your performance. I think it'll make him a very effective executive."--Vice President Dick Cheney, on CBS's Face the Nation, Dec. 17, 2000.
It's a management style that the new president himself happily describes. "Accountability" is a favorite word; so is "delegate," as in "I understand how to.
Management skills, says presidential scholar Charles O. Jones, also come in handy during transitioning and budgeting. No panicky presidential all-nighters and midnight pizza deliveries as this White House readies its first budget blueprint. <<< or during National Disasters >>
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinion/articles/010129/ar... When people questioned Bush's* intelligence and experience when he was running for President, all we heard were assurances that he would surround himself with knowledgable experts - remember.
Another LIE