Another sentinel aspect of the crimes of the depraved is the tendency to blame their victims with the expectation that the general public will go along with the ruse. The poor who could not escape Fallujah, the poor that could not escape New Orleans, the Vietnamese who had their towns destroyed "to save them" all represent victims of a pattern of depraved criminal violence against the defenseless.
The depraved criminal is not like the rest of us, so we have a hard time understanding how they think. For the depraved all suffering of the weak is an opportunity, something positive, something to be wished for, and if possible, engineered. We are told that "intelligence failures" led to 9/11, we are told that "intelligence failures" led to the Iraq war, we are told that "intelligence failures" led to the tragedy in New Orleans. It is an "intelligence failure" for us to continue believing these lame excuses.
Many people have studied the psychological aspects of the German people that allowed the Fascists to ignite World War II. A consistent theme in these accounts by Arendt, Reich and others, is in their calling attention to the amazing degree of gullibility on the part of a German population that was eager to absorb and digest, with equanimity, the outrageous propaganda of the Nazi party.
The conclusion of decades of scholarship is summed up in the title of Goldhaggen's book, Hitler’s Willing Executioners. In light of this analysis of history, it can be seen that gross crimes, such as are now being perpetrated by the US ruling elite that control our "democracy," can only be perpetrated with the passive cooperation of significant proportion of our society.
Read more... in the dignostic criteria of SOCIOPATHS .. People like Bush and all other perpretrators of abuses and crimes against the vunerable want thier victims to belive they were WILLING...victims..
They want the public to believe the victims WANTED it.
Scary when you listen to these repugs blaming survivors for not having the means to get out of NOLA..As if being poor in a unequal society like ours and having no car was thier own fault.