Edited on Fri Sep-09-05 07:27 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
Ah, yes, the moral outrage and the finger-pointing and the "blame-game" of the Right when Clinton installed his cousin in the White House travel office. It was HORRIBLE and UNTHINKABLE that Clinton would depose a long-term civil servants with someone from Arkansas. Let's dredge up some of those comments from Rush and the talking head bloviators.
That outrage from the Right has definitely subsided and disappeared altogether as we watch Bush dismantle almost all functions of the government from within and dole out critical positions as patronage plums. The only job qualification for this administration is loyalty to Bush. He truly seems to believe "l'etat c'est moi". The prelude for this fiasco with the FEMA head is the political appointee in the GAO (I think) who threatened the MediCare actuary with his job if he DID his job, which was providing Congress with a realistic actuarial study of the cost of the Medi-Care bill.
And of course, we now know how they have gutted FEMA with the long-term disaster planners to replace them with frat brothers, campaign workers and the like. VETTING? You've got to be kidding - "We don't need no stinking vetting!" They probably had an on-hand staff resume padder. I bet they chuckled when they reviewed each other's resumes. "Hey Mike, how about if we cut this horseshit stuff? Doesn't play well. I know, we'll put you in charge of disaster management for that place you did that internship with. One more spellcheck and we can ship this baby off."
Bush has created his own Baathist Party right here in the United States.In five years he took a country from, in his own words - peace and prosperity - to war, death and deficits. Cleaning out his administration would be cleaning another Augean stables - no, make that another Super Dome.