the nearly $400 Million that the Fed has contributed to recent Oklahoma freeways and byways? total cost for the Crosstown is estimated at $360 million. The project had already been designated $180 million in federal funds, plus about $4.5 million from the City of Oklahoma City. The new federal transportation funding bill, which awaits President George W. Bush's signature, would provide another $120 million for the Crosstown project.
The bill would also provide an additional $120 million for a project to widen I-44 in Tulsa.
Ridley thanked the members of Oklahoma's congressional delegation, particularly U.S. Sens. James Inhofe and Tom Coburn and U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook, for their work "in helping us get enough money and bring Oklahoma dollars back to Oklahoma."
"After including our state’s projects, Oklahoma will have a rate of return in excess of
102 percent – meaning that for every dollar Oklahoma contributes to the highway trust fund, we will receive over a dollar in federal highway funding in return," said Inhofe.