Searching for failure? Try George W. BushBy Lester Haines
Published Friday 9th September 2005 12:33 GMT
Poor old George Bush: try as he might he just can't convince his critics
that his handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster was - until he sort
of pulled his finger out - anything other than a complete fiasco.
Accordingly, Google is currently offering the Prez's biography as its
top link for the search 'failure':
Ho ho. Of course, this isn't the first time Google has been used to
lambaste politicos. Earlier this year, we were alerted to the fact
that typing "wanker" into the search engine returned the name of a
well-known member of Her Maj's British Government. We refrained from
running the story because the bloke in question is built like a brick
shit house and has a reputation for punching irate voters in the face.
We're sure, though, that Mr Bush is far too busy at the moment to come
over here for face-to-face fisticuffs, and so we feel we can run this
story - and the truly marvellous pic below (thanks to the anonymous
reader who forwarded) - with complete impunity:
<Sky News Bush picture snipped>