Not that it's great, but it's at least written if someone wants to use it:
We all know this guy is a crony. He worked for Daddy, on the Ken Starr (the Clinton witch hunter) team and the 2000 election stealing team, including having written a brief for the Bush team on how to have Jeb constitutionally (based on Fla. constitution) appoint his brother the winner if the Supreme court had allowed the recounts to be completed.
Now, they have, without consulting anyone, put this guy in a spot to run the entire Supreme Court, and he has only two years (yes, that's 2) of experience as a judge. They consulted no one on the decision to change his nomination from a member of the court to the leader of it, and never in history has a move like this ("get our guy in as high a spot as we can") taken place. It also shows us that they did not nominate him to take the O'Connor spot based on qualifications for that job. He was their guy and there was an opening, period. Bigger opening? Even better.
At the same time, we can see what happens, live on TV right now, what happens when this team puts unqualified cronies in charge of important organizations (New Orleans, anyone?). Is there one more important than the position Roberts is nominated to run?
The petition link below takes you to a form that simply asks your representatives to approach this thing thoughtfully and carefully. With two years of experience for the nominee, this is an understatement. Please consider adding your name to the petition and sending it to your friends.