FEMA was still independent, Clinton was in office, and I was in school about 30 miles from Northridge... and due back from Winter break on the 17th. Not knowing what else to do on the morning of the 17th, unable to get through to the school and knowing that in the worst case scenario, we had a gas card and a credit card for a motel. So my friends and I got in the car and drove from Mesa, AZ to Thousand Oaks, getting turned around at least once and ending up on the demolished 101 freeway during aftershocks.
The CA National Guard directed traffic, were passing out water in Northridge and doing all of the things that they do after disasters. There were not massive weapons presences visible, even in the most hard hit areas.
Unlike a hurricane, where you have warning and know where it is going to hit, an earthquake is essentially out of the blue. If FEMA could handle a 7 earthquake on a previously unknown fault that took out 9 hospitals, hundreds of miles of road with no warning.... It shows how badly FEMA has been gutted in the 11 years since. And the world got back to normal pretty fast then.
The staties and local police did what they could, but they had their own houses and families to deal with... and FEMA knew that then. They seem to have forgotten it since. Bush Cronyism is part of the problem, but the bigger issue I think is that the jobs were dropped under a catchall department with an unclear mandate, conflicting priorities that was run by incompetents who were exemplars of the Dilbert Principle and greedy to boot. I'm not excusing Bush, but there's enough bullshit to spread thick and deep.