"Clark is on the stockholders’ committee of a German manufacturer of industrial gases, Messer Griesheim, which is controlled by the New York investment firm Goldman Sachs. A Messer Griesheim spokesman would neither talk about Clark’s contribution to the company nor answer questions about how long he’s been affiliated with the company.
Clark is a director with Entrust Inc., a Dallas company that specializes in Internet security systems and had contracts with 1,250 government and private agencies as of January 2002. Entrust CEO Bill Conner served with Clark on a Pentagon advisory panel a few years ago.
Clark receives about $15,000 a year for attendance at meetings, company spokesman Kenneth Kracmer said. In addition, he has received 2,250 shares of Entrust stock and 44,000 options. Entrust closed Wednesday at $4.98 a share.
Clark serves on the board of advisers of Time Domain Inc., an aerospace- and-defense-minded wideband communications company in Huntsville, Ala. The company develops radar that can see through walls and a next-generation global-positioning chip that can create invisible security bubbles around cell phones and other handheld devices.
Here's the link, but for some reason the entire bottom part of the article that I am citing isn't showing up.