To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to complain about an incident that occurred on September 8, 2005.
Rush Limbaugh, noted apologist of the Bush family, made an egregious error on the air.
He called “Mayor Ray Nagin”…”Nayger”, intentionally inferring “nigger”.
This was not an innocent mistake. It was done to deliberately invoke and incite racial tensions. I demand accountability for this.
The spread of hate and division on fellow American’s on the airwaves should have been a reason for the FCC to long ago sanction this person; however, you let him continue to spew his filth and hate unabated.
He finally crossed the line this time.
What will his rantings and ravings lead some of his most devout cult of listeners to do? Will it incite hate crimes against Black American’s?
How many incidents of hate are acceptable to you?
We are not living in the 60’s. This is not acceptable. I do NOT want my children hearing this hate spewed over the public airwaves. Not in the 21st Century in America.
I demand that something be done to stop this bigot.
I would rather have my children look at Janet Jackson’s breasts than to hear this. Breasts are natural. Hate is not.
I am holding you accountable to do something about this.
Thank you.