I am part of the "Bills Backers of Tucson." I am a try Buffalo Bills fan. I bleed Buffalo Blue (ha, I'm a blue state person too). But, this email I got made me sick. It's from our chairman. I am sick to my stomach and will not go watch the games with them because of this Freep-tard.
Here's his letter. I left out his email address:
This asshole's Turds of Wisdom. . .prepare to vomit
For those of you who know me, you know I can be quite opinionated and vocal in my beliefs. For you new people, you will learn. Unless it involves football, hockey, or Buffalo, I have not used the BBOT mail list for my own political, religious (not religious anyway), or personal reasons. The reason I bring this up is because of my last email regarding donating the checks to those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
I just wanted to let you all know that I sent that to you because we are part of Bills Backers International and there is an ongoing effort to raise funds. I am doing my part as president by relaying this info to you. We will collect checks on Week 4 when the Bills play the Saints, that is a given. I just wanted a chance for myself (and you all if you would like to sound off) to state my personal opinion on the subject.
*****For those of you not wanting to hear my opinion, stop reading now. For those who would, and would like to read an article about the situation, scroll down*****
I personally have a real problem with the whole situation and will not be donating any of my own money. I know there was a lot of damage done and lives lost. I know there were innocent children and elderly who couldn't help themselves. But I can not support this effort. I do not want you to feel guilted or pressured into donating. If you do not want to support it either, you do not have to. If you want to know how I really feel, just ask, and I will tell you. Here is an interesting link:
The "news" article he quoted as his reason for not donatingEnd his drivel
I normally don't respond to crap like this, but this attitude sickens me. So, I wrote back with this!
my intellectually and logically based response to his assinine stupidity
I'm sorry you feel that way. . .It's a shame narrow political motives would damn an entire group of AMERICANS because of a social program.
The article is intellectually dishonest. His one source, The Washington Times, does not carry much objective or journalistic integrity. It's an attack spin rag like the NY Post, The Rocky Mountain News and the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal.
G-d forbid Buffalo (or my home of Lewiston) has this happen to them. Especially West Buffalo. . .will be damn them to five days of starving and thirst because of a welfare state mistake?
Finally, this is social darwinism at its worst, and it makes me ashamed to see it. You don't want to donate because of narrow political attitudes, that's fine. They're poor, let them suffer. . .so long as Trent Lott's house gets rebuilt, right? This tragedy could have been lessened if people had a means to get out. . .I'm sorry, when you're dirt poor and have to choose between feeding your family and running somewhere (anywhere) and have no means of staying someplace when you do leave, the choice is simple. This tragedy could have be lessened if the budgets for the Army Corps of Engineers and the Levee construction wasn't slashed by our "President." This tragedy could have been lessened if FEMA moved to a proactive stance, instead of waiting five days to do something (Andrew survivors didn't wait that long, neither did San Francisco after the World Series Earthquake).
But the callousness of our "President" and his FEMA goes to the heart of what it believes. The Tsunami victims are poor too. Bush gave an intital $15 million, then was shamed into $350 million by the American people. The people of New Orleans are poor and Bush decided a pandering stop in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, a guitar picking time in Coronado, CA and golf and a birthday party in Maricopa County (along with is 49th vacation) were more important than one of the worst natural disasters to hit our country since the 1905 San Francisco Earthquake. His lack of response in both show how much the modern republican party care about the poor here and around the world.
If you don't want to donate, that is your business. With the oil companies gouging through the nose, I can understand. But damning people because they are poor and spouting social darwinism is down-right un-American. Enjoy the football game at Olive R. Twist's. I cannot make it. . .I'll go to Fox and Hound.
If a natural disaster of this proportion happened in Tucson, would we say "to hell with donating and helping the poor Mexicans because they are on welfare and can't fend for themselves, let them die?" If you saw that here and saw a baby crying, lips chapped from thirst and thin from no food for four days, would you kick it away because that baby's parents might be on welfare? I know. . .Dickens was right: "Let them die already, and decrease the surplus population."
Here's to a great Bills season. We should win 10 games. Thankfully they don't put narrow political views before helping Americans.
I love ripping Freepers apart. It's so easy!