or how BushCo and the M$M tried to destroy New Orleans.
Sunday night, Hurricane Katrina is upgraded to a Category 5 hurricane heading right at New Orleans. Bush issues a State of Emergency and the Gulf Coast evacuates and/or hunkers down and prepares for the worst. Mayor Nagin evacuates 80% of the city, which is unprecedented for any city in the US.
Even the French Quarter is quiet.
On Sunday, the Superdome was opened has a shelter of last resort. HS/FEMA knew that the Superdome could not be certified has a safe shelter for anything bigger then a Category 2 hurricane but there was no longer a choice. However HS/FEMA makes little attempt to bring provisions to the site to provide for the 1000's of people that will be trapped in there. The worst begins to happen. The roof starts to come apart and there were some very frightening moments inside. The people remain incredibly calm throughout the storm, even when they had to move to different sides of the building has things got worse.
On Monday, when the worst of the hurricane has past, people begin to come out of their houses. Some went to the Superdome for shelter but the situation was deteriorating rapidly. The M$M showed people going into stores, taking food and water and called them looters.
Between Monday and Tuesday water started topping the levees and three levees broke, flooding the city. Finally buses started to arrive at the Superdome to take people out of the city but they just sat there. The troops that arrive make very little attempt to fill the buses and move them out, it is an excruciatingly slow process. No food and water was delivered to anyone in the Superdome or anywhere else in NO during this time. Instead of carrying food and water, the arriving troops carried guns.
The M$M leads every story with reports of looting and shooting. Reports of shots being fired shut down the rescue/military operation. It turns out that those shots probably came from the MS police who were guarding the Crescent City Connection Bridge and not allowing anyone to come into their state.
At this point, Mayor Nagin has had it. He has done everything he can to get HS/FEMA to send immediate help. He even tried to call President Bush directly three different times but no one was home. The swift boating of Nagin begins.
Finally, on Friday during Bush's first visit to the region, a very long supply convoy begins to role into the Superdome. These images are split screened with Bush pretending to be president.
Bush lands at New Orleans airport and says a few words that last all of about 5 minutes. He tells his base, the Superdome has been secured.
These headlines would have continued except for one major incident. When Bush met Gov. Blanco on Friday, he tried to get her to sign over permanent control her state in order to get Federal Assistance. At that point Blanco didn't fall for his trap and held her ground. It was then that Blanco took back control of the response to the disaster and reversed the military response to the crisis and began the humanitarian response that Bush & Co had ignored. That was the day the headlines changed and New Orleans was saved from the monsters in DC and the M$M.