“I am not a crook” - Richard Nixon, November 17, 1973
“Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job” - George W. Bush, Sept 2 , 2005The chances of George W. Bush being forcibly removed from office or having the gravitas to resign are slim and none. The Republican congress is about the preservation of power, morality be damned, and they have power if they have the presidency - period. But the aftermath of Katrina has rendered real what was only an abstract notion: what kind of society does the conservative movement want?
They want an ownership society, where if you don’t have it you’re out of luck and too bad. It is clearly a society that is antithetical to what it means to be American and when its been put to the test - privatizing social security, for instance - has been roundly rejected by the American people.
There was also something abstract to Democrats talking about the Republican culture of corruption, as the biggest example to date was an admittedly complex series of shady campaign finance maneuvers by Tom DeLay, coupled with exotic junkets fueled by big money lobbyists. Disgusting, yes, but nobody died. With the cronyism rampant at FEMA and other government agencies, we see that the culture of corruption is more than just a back scratching operation. It is an infestation of our government, where a man unqualified to work with horses is given the reins of our federal first responders. The culture of corruption rewards mediocrity and engenders cronyism, and that will end up killing people. Remember, the Bush administration’s first choice for homeland security secretary was Bernie Kerik, a Giuliani crony. ...
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