If you are anywhere near Gonzales, LA:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KatrinaAnimalHelp posted 9/10
A fellow rescuer just called from Gonzales, LA and said that they have over 1200 dogs and not enough people to feed and water them. THEY DO NOT NEED ANY SUPPLIES....they need volunteers!!! However, volunteers should keep in mind that there are no hotel rooms, and they will need to bring all of their own supplies (food, gas, etc.) They will continue to need volunteers for at least a month or more. Please, if you have any time go to the fairgrounds in Gonzales, LA...the location is off I-10 at exit 177.
Also, they are not releasing dogs to rescues, these dogs are in quarantine and being held for 30 days to try and find the owners. Future postings from HSUS and other national organizations will announce the availability of these dogs to rescue groups.
If you can't get to Gonzales, please donate: www.hsus.org, www.apsca.org, www.noahswish.org, www.bestfriends.org
If you can foster a pet, please go to
http://disaster.petfinder.com/emergency/ and list your name (also, hsus.org has a link for volunteers (right side of the page); list your name at multiple sites if you can. They're trying to keep the pets in the local area initially, but as time goes by, they may need to find foster homes in areas further away for these pets.