1/3 way down the page it says: "But none of that happened. They bungled their own political resurrection! Nearly a full week went by, while thousands were dying and starving or were kenneled in unbelievable filth in New Orleans. Nobody seemed to be in charge. Bush remained "on vacation" in Crawford, and traveled around to fundraisers, played golf, etc.; Condi was theatergoing and buying thousand-dollar shoes on Fifth Avenue. What was going on? Did Karl Rove not understand the significance of what was happening? Was Bush...uh..."incapacitated"? What about Cheney, "on vacation" in Wyoming; was he "incapacitated," too? Are the Bush people really that politically obtuse? So here's the question I have for those of you who voted for Bush in 2004: Do you get it now?)
This next one is my own newspaper column about Bush's slow response. I don't mention a findraiser, but a political event, which was mentioned in the Manchester (NH) Union Leader's scathing criticism of Bush: