Bush Hack Lines:
Bush would have saved a lot of lives and alleviated a lot of suffering if the Governor of Louisiana had let him.
There would have been many fewer deaths and much less suffering if the mayor of New Orleans had gotten everybody to leave the city before it flooded.
These goofy assertions take the form of classic wingnut tarbaby arguments -- an amalgam of lies, half-truths and irrelevancies designed to suck the opposition into a tedious battle of documentation and disputation over cause-and-effect. Once you buy the premise that we have to debate when and how the Governor signed whatever paperwork it takes to get helicopters, water and food to the victims of a hurricane, they have won. The public at large will never follow a "timeline" argument. As the Wingnut Liars have control of Fox, Talk Radio and huge swaths of the Internet, the question gets "framed" as yet another dreary Point-Counterpoint argument between the two "sides."
As the blizzard of "facts" asserted by both "sides" sweeps across the Electronic Village of America, the loyal Republican base sees the familiar sneer on Hannity's face, hears the familiar sarcastic condescension in Limbaugh's voice, reads the familiar bumptious stupidity of the Freeper Cadres on the Internet and is comforted in a moment of doubt. The "facts" are -- as always -- on "their side."
Meanwhile, the majority of the public that is growing ever more alarmed at the bizarre combination of serene arrogance and fumblebutt incompetence of the Bush Administration sees that the Wingnut Media is shamelessly and relentlessly plugging their idiotic Party Line while the Mainstream Media resumes is scrupulous policy of giving Both Sides of the story.
Yet again the Mainstream Media pits the snarling quotes in unison from the well oiled Rove Propaganda Machine against the mish-mash of "critics" of the Administration, including lily-livered Democratic politicians, whining professional liberals, angry representatives of racial minorities, bearded academics and other random voices, too varied to characterize. The majority tunes in, and sees the exact same bullshit that has been going on since Bush took over, and despairs.
Or at least that is the goal of the perpetually gloating army of liars that parrot Rove's "talking points" in unison. They care nothing for debate. They have two goals -- to obscure reality and to wear down the opposition.
Just as in the old Soviet Union, when everybody catches on to the game they are playing, the game will finally be over.
The bolded GOP Talking Point propositions at the top of this post are so ludicrous that even a pessimist like myself can see the endgame coming.
Then we will find out if these fascist scum will ever relinquish power without a major extra-constitutional fight. Almost of all of them are cowards, so I have my hopes that the Constitution will prevail.
I think the real fight will come when people focus on electronic voting.