To show Americans how thin the veneer of republican idealogues rubs off when facing reality. Marketing savy is how they have been elevated to the highest offices in the land. Marketing savy is how they have controled the house and the senate and the White House.
And as much as they try the same old tired marketing savy with contructed photo-ops, catchy wordbites, and soul tugging reminders of September 11 - reality is that God showed us what is real and what is cheap salesemanship of a funky product to a fearful population. The smiles look a little too contrived, the hugs a little too stiff, and the glad handing all too fake.
When the tragedy of September 11 befell the nation - it was all too easy to blame Osama Bin Laden and the terrorists. The nations anger coagulated into a singular mission - GET THEM. Somehow that morphed into the Iraq WAr under the spell and fearmongering of WMD - GET SADDAM HUSSIEN BEFORE HE GETS US. But now - it is different. The anger of the nation has only one place to go....to those who hold the power. Ans so, Bushco is desperately trying to frame that anger into - GET THEM INCOMPETANT DEMOCRATS. But we know better. We have heard the sales pitch before....and the faces of the misplaced Louisiana residents, the faces of the dead, sets the anger TO THEM.....TO BUSH.
America will prevail - IN SPITE OF THEM. The outreach efforts have occured - IN SPITE OF THEM. And the day will soon come, when America will carry on - WITHOUT THEM.