I strongly suspect China is once again applying the principles of Sun Tzu (The Art of War) much as Lin Pao and Mao Ze Dong did to win the Chinese Revolution and Civil War.
One of these principles is to devise ways to use the enemy's greatest strengths against him. Hence Chinese "capitalism", which: (1)-avoids the economic errors that brought about the downfall of the Soviet Union; (2)-provides constant revenue to improve the conditions of the proletariat and the peasantry (especially the latter, some of whom -- due largely to their rural isolation -- were living in breathtakingly deprived conditions); (3)-provides constant revenue to build up the People's Liberation Army and the armed forces of Chinese allies (Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela etc.) against the threat of inevitable aggression, whether by the global capitalist oligarchy or by the burgeoning Islamic global caliphate that -- for now at least -- invariably serves the oligarchy's purposes; (4)-provides constant revenue to support the resurgence of Marxism elsewhere as the savagery of capitalism becomes ever more evident (an effort apparently now largely being directed at Russia in the form of agitation for a second Russian Revolution); (5)-provides access to revenue by which China -- playing capitalism's own game and using capitalist greed as a weapon -- can eventually force the global oligarchy to its knees: note in this context not only how China is now financing the huge (and ultimately ruinous) U.S. debt, but also Chinese efforts to buy U.S. corporations. The reason these efforts evoke such terror in the boardrooms of the oligarchy is the fear the Chinese will use their American possessions as socialist demonstration projects: fair wages, superior health care, workplace democracy of a degree increasingly unheard of in the ever-more-economically-tyrannized U.S., but ever more commonplace in socialist China.
Just as the OP stated, China remains a Marxist state; Sun Tzu merely provides the historical footnote that explains how China is going about the task of what Leon Trotsky labeled "permanent revolution." Not to belabor the point, but the Russians believed they could accomplish this ideologically, a belief profoundly shaped by their own intellectual history, while the Chinese -- who have thousands of years more collective experience at governance (the Russian state is only about 900 years old) -- recognized that revolution can come about only if ideology is economically supported. Hence the Chinese discarded Stalinism (but not Marxism itself) and now accommodate individual economic aspirations in a free-enterprise environment that -- like any predatory beast harnessed to human and humane purpose -- is nevertheless strictly leashed to keep it from running amok. (Note again the contrast to the U.S., where it becomes increasingly obvious the Bush Administration was put in office by the oligarchy specifically to restore capitalism to its Tyrannosauric worst, with the results we see not only in New Orleans but -- less vividly -- throughout the entire nation).
China's application of Sun Tzu's strategy has the additional advantage of operating under the cover provided by the capitalist oligarchy's innate and nearly infinite racism: the "little yellow inscrutables" (a term I once heard applied by a businessman who had attempted to deal with China) are regarded as scarcely better than savages -- non-Christian infidels at that -- and the oligarchy's estimate of Chinese capabilities is insultingly summed up in the term "Chinese fire-drill." Never mind the Chinese had the first successful empires on the planet -- the Hsia Dynasty reigned 4,000 years ago, older by half a millennium than the Minoan empire of Knossos; never mind the concept of the civil-service system (of which so many nations are justifiably proud) was one of the many innovations of Chinese governance that evolved from the works of Kung Fu Tse -- Confucius -- 2500 years ago; never mind that Taoism -- Tao Te Ching is Lao Tzu's record of the metaphysical principles of the Bronze Age and the Neolithic -- contains the planet's only spiritual guideposts that are truly compatible with all modern science including the Gaea Hypothesis: note in this context Fritjof Capra's The Tao of Physics.
The capitalist oligarchy ignores these truths at its greatest peril -- especially now as capitalism once again reveals the relentless savagery at its core: the savagery it concealed in terror after the Russian Revolution but is now again so evident not only in New Orleans but in all Bush's policies -- outsourcing, downsizing, pension-looting, methodical destruction of the social safety net, skyrocketing prices and (again precisely as it was done to the survivors of New Orleans) the malicious, forcible reduction of wages specifically to facilitate the oligarchy's obscene profiteering and thus the further concentration of wealth. Contrast the horrors of New Orleans and the rage evoked by its aftermath with China's recent evacuation of nearly 900,000 persons -- complete with their pets and livestock -- from the path of a Category IV typhoon. Indeed I believe the oligarchy's viciously greedy obliviousness to the lesson implicit in the ever-more-antithetical realities of global capitalism will be the oligarchy's ultimate downfall. Alas, given my age, I doubt I will live to see it, nor to see the truly democratic United States that -- quite possibly with Chinese help -- might then arise from the ashes. But do not doubt for a minute the now-proven fact that a Marxist nation is able to fully care for its disaster-displaced persons -- while the crown jewel of global capitalism heartlessly abandons its own such people to drowning, starvation, disorder and disease -- has already conveyed a message that is a modern-day equivalent of "the shot fired round the world."