They were incorporated into the crowds at both the CC and SD.
"Bigfoot" is a bar manager and DJ on Bourbon Street, and is a local personality and icon in the city. He is a lifelong resident of the city, born and raised. He rode out the storm itself in the Iberville Projects because he knew he would be above any flood waters.....
q- Ahh were the dead bodies IN the CC?
q- People had expired right then and there from lack of food and water!!!
BF- And some people were killed... there's something they didn't say on the news... In the jails , they let loose all the low crime criminals
q- Huh!!!
BF- yeah, bet you didn't know that.
q- No
BF- so...they got caught up in the crowd where they got transfered to the CC and SD also
q- and they you feel were in substantial part, contributors to the violence?
BF- OH YEAH, because they ran into their friends...I overheard a couple of them talking...say "Man I thought you was in jail- Yeah man they let us out" and then they had got into a little group. Well in the beginning everybody was fine. Everybody was working together, you know feeding everybody and giving out the water. Second day, same thing everybody was fine... you know we broke into stores and stuff like that to feed the elderly and the children and stuff. The third day...It got rough. They started selling the food then.
q- who?
BF- the younger kids... like from the 15-25 year olds. Like they had their own little gang
q- Sounds like a little mafia thing?
BF- Yeah close to it, you know...you want some good food you've got to buy it.
q- Ohh
BF- and they'll cook it for you and get it to you and stuff
q- I see
q- at this point 3 days into it, still no police, no help no nothing?
BF- No, No police... that's the funny part, this is another part... they had police but they were like... out of contact with each other...they were on walkie talkies.. so and the NOLA police they didn't have a clue as to what was going on because no-one was telling them anything either
q- No command and control...nothing!
BF- No, no control... But they had police officers watching us the WHOLE time we were there