"I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, 'They're looting'. You see a white family, it says, 'They're looking for food'.” (Rapper Kanye West)
They say action speaks louder than words and it is deeds that often expose the words of hypocrites. So, when the US government says, they love the Iraqis, yes those sand-niggers, terrorists and rag-heads, then think of Fallujah, Abu-Ghraib, carnage on the Road to Basra in 1991, economic sanctions for a decade killing 500,000 Iraqi children and in particular how their vicious racist media portrays the Arabs/Muslims in general. Likewise, when they say they are not racist, think of the centuries of slave trade, mob lynchings, Klu Klux Klan (KKK), assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm-X (Haji Malik Al Shabbaz), beating of Rodney King through to the handling of the victims of hurricane Katrina.
Even the staunchest ally of Bush, the British, could not fail to pick up the racist dimension of how this natural disaster was handled from the beginning. Almost every British media outlet referred to the lack of enthusiasm, from the Bush regime, in saving a predominantly poor black population. Contrast this with how quickly the US mobilised to ‘save’ the oil-rich Kuwaitis from Saddam but not the oil-less, Rwandans and Palestinians. Those black folks in Louisiana don’t have much money, and do not contribute to the Republican Party, worse is that they voted against Bush, the man appointed by ‘God’, so they must be the “evil doers” according to the Bush ‘logic’.
For those who doubt the blame should lie with the government, you need to be reminded that in 1974, within 24 hours notice, the American government sent thousands of brand new military assets, tanks, planes, rockets, artillery, with all the ammunition required, to aid Israel against Egypt. Therefore, the US does have a proven track record for mobilising major logistical programmes, even to help a nation across thousands of miles away, in the relatively less capable US, 30 years ago, but it took five days to help the poor people in Louisiana and Mississippi in 2005. The people in Louisiana and Mississippi are amongst the poorest sections of American society, and even worse for them, they are black, and comprise up to 70% of the population in that region. Naturally, the blacks of the US, like the Iraqis under American fire, do not register on the so-called evangelical radar of Bush!
This racism is almost part of their genes, inherited by the privileged whites as descendents of slave traders, such traits surface occasionally, as shown by the comments of the wife of George Bush senior, Barbra Bush, she said: “So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."