If you've been around DU for any length of time, you've surely seen the "drip drip" posts. You know the ones, where they state the latest transgression by the junta that should be eroding their support?
Well, we finally have enough drips in place. The "MSM" is actually doing their jobs for once, making the spin less effective, and rumor has it that Judy Miller may be cutting a deal. If what she has to say is damning, and you might think it was or she wouldn't be in jail right now, then there is a good chance Plamegate is moving forward again. And tied into Plamegate are the Downing Street Memos where we learned that the intel to go into Iraq was fixed around the policy of making war.
So we'll have the unfortunate disaster on the Gulf that awakened a whole lot of people, and then we'll have indictments being handed out left and right because it sounds like some folks perjured themselves when talking about the Plame situtation.
Now, the big issue here is, what will happen to ** and Cheney? Remember, they don't "testify under oath", they "visit" with grand juries. The big thing now is they are way down in the polls. We have got to drive them further down by revealing more of their atrocities until the American people are screaming for those people to put their hands on a Bible and take that oath and spill the beans. (Assuming, of course, they and the Bibles don't go up in smoke from touching each other.)
Ditch Bu$h and save the Gulf:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=106&topic_id=22507&mesg_id=22507 Then save the nation!