Our Democratic response to Katrina should be twofold: 1) Hold this admin accountable, and 2) call for a new Civilian Conservation Corps.
First, we should unsparingly and repeatedly hold the Bush administration accountable for their failure to properly organize FEMA, and their failure to react in a timely matter.There have already been a ton of posts about this so I just want to make a few observations. I am already hearing people say that "you can't trust the government to take care of you." We need to ensure that people realize it's not simply 'government,' it is POORLY RUN government that caused the problem here. Inefficiency is inherent in every type of organization, public sector or private. Even businesses, large and small, include those who don't care, who will turn a situation to their own advantage, lie to get a contract, muddy the waters and play politics instead of doing the right thing, etc. It's human nature -- there are bad apples in every barrel.
But the bright light of an effective leadership -- and, better yet, effective MANAGEMENT -- cuts down on the cockroaches and red tape. The fact that the Bush administration appointed their inexperienced cronies to the THREE top jobs in FEMA -- well, that's just sad.
There is certainly plenty of blame to go around. Hold EVERYONE accountable, I don't care if you're a Dem or an R. But Harry Truman had on his desk, "The buck stops here," and this President certainly does not seem to believe in this principle. He seems to believe in "leadership" not "management" -- a sort of vague captaining of the ship of state, "hey, everybody go THAT way!" without any real understanding of the details of government. He is certainly no policy wonk, and SOMEBODY high enough up in power needs to understand how that complicated, many-levered machine which is government works -- so they can drive that car!
Say what you will about Clinton -- I know some people here dislike him -- if you read his book you will find a love of the details of government, a wealth of minutiae that he was interested in, a true policy-wonk-ish approach to governing. I, for one, think that THAT is the mark of a great President -- a good leader and a good manager too, able to shine the bright light into all of the corners and cut the red tape and make government WORK.
This is what happens when you get the adherents of Grover Norquist in charge. They WANT to break government, to make it not work. And they're in charge of the government, so they can. Break it, that is. And they have.
Second, we need to call for a new Civilian Conservation Corps to allow the PEOPLE of New Orleans to rebuild New Orleans.The
CCC was Roosevelt's answer to the rampant unemployment of the Depression. Over three million young men participated in the project to rebuild America's forests by planting trees and doing other public works projects. It was one of Roosevelt's most popular projects of the New Deal. There is a statue of a WPA worker at the lake near my house, to commemorate the camp that was there.
Obviously, the parallels are not perfect --the people of New Orleans who wish to participate would have to be trained and supervised (just as the CCC workers were trained and supervised). Jobs like this are more specialized than planting trees, and some jobs would have to be done by specialists.
The original CCC got a tremendous amount of help from the Army in terms of logistics, transportation, and support. Agriculture, Labor and the Department of the Interior all worked together to coordinate. The "new CCC" would be a similarly massive relief effort that would require a lot of planning and coordination. And, just as obviously, it would make the recovery process slower -- it's easier to hire someone who already knows what they are doing.
However, there are over 1 million people in metropolitan New Orleans, many whom have lost their jobs. A "new CCC" will aid in the massive unemployment that will surely ensue, and furthermore, empower the people of New Orleans themselves. And it catches the imagination, doesn't it?
The people of New Orleans rebuilding New Orleans.
If you agree, please keep this kicked, add your comments and suggestions, send it to the media, and call and write your representatives to ask for a "new CCC for New Orleans." It's the right thing to do. Disclaimer 1: Now, do I think for a minute that the Bush administration will agree? No, of course I don't; they'll want to contract it all out to Halliburton. But is it the right thing to do? I think it is. So I think we should ask for it.
Disclaimer 2: The new CCC is not my idea; one of Olbermann's guests mentioned it the other day, but I've been stewing it around in my brain ever since and I really think we should push it.