Looks like time to elevate the threat level. Those sneaky al Qaeda bastards are infiltrating Cambodian hotel toilets. What will they think of next?
http://www.phnompenhpost.com/Threats made in hotel loo an unctuous riddleBy Sam Rith and Markus Bernsen
Notes with cryptic terrorist slogans turned up in the men's toilets of a major Phnom Penh hotel on September 4 during a meeting of more than 30 journalists from the Mekong region and a Christian religious service.
At 11.30 a.m., a Cambodian television journalist attending the International Press Service's Imaging Our Mekong workshop at the Sunway Hotel discovered several strips of paper above the urinal with typed messages in Khmer and English.
One note read, "The center city top richs will attack by poors soon and the war (on terror) of aggression another country will coming too (U.S)."
Said another, "(If have) eat danger (if have) eat danger (if leave) eat danger ... (if leave) eat danger."