and their True Bills of indictments for the Bush Regime crimes and treason?
Do you think, who I think is a good source, could print this from the left coaster and maybe The New York Times and CNN with their new restraining order could print the truth about what is being done to the Evacuees who are not in the show-piece Potemkin Villages?
More information on the evacuees being held behind fences in
far off states that they did not agree to go to. A photo of two very worn out looking, unhappy women separated from the press by an orange wire fence. To George's Holiday Camp
Here we go again.
The other day, I wrote about Katrina evacuees being taken to Utah with no priorknowledge of their destination, and that they were reportedly being kept behind barbed wire. I mentioned at the time that I couldn't confirm this, and if any Utahns who read The Left Coaster could confirm or deny this tale, it would be reported here.
But this morning, what do I spy - to my shock and surprise - but a similar report from Aurora, Colorado:
I was afraid of this. As the great diaspora of New Orleans continues with evacuees not being told where they're going until the bus/plane cranks up or until they land/arrive, the police state tactics of some of the 'welcoming' communities are actually just housing people at remote locations, behind fences - like prisons, really Verne Stovall, foreground, and her daughter-in-law, Jacquelyn Augustine,stand at a
fence separating them from reporters and others Tuesday at the Community College of Aurora. Stovall recalled how she was rescued Sunday with 23 other people from a flooded house in New Orleans. (Denver Post / Glenn Asakawa)
And that's NOT all, folks!
I saw a report yesterday where evacuees were put on a plane and not told they were heading for Salt Lake City, Utah until they began taxi-ing down the runway.
And then there is that report I have noted in recent days of the 1,000 evacuees flown to Roosevelt Roads naval base on Puerto Rico's eastern tip. What of them? I've still seen no reports, but I onfirmed it with a Puerto Rican friend of mine. This is too surreal.
I mean if you read the story, the evacuees are very thankful for being safe and in a new place. Still, do we want to treat fellow Americans like this? And why so far away in Colorado? One woman says she's never even been outside of New Orleans and that's a pretty common thing among New Orleans' poorer residents.
As for forcing Americans into a fenced-in camp? I don't like it. Not one bit. There is even SCLM support for this report.
Evacuees' stories are moving, but fence isn't
Article Last Updated: 09/07/2005 03:37:49 AM
By Diane Carman
Denver Post Staff Columnist
If I didn't know better, I'd have thought I was peering through the fence at a concentration camp.
The signs on the buildings say "Community College of Aurora," though for now they're serving as an impromptu Camp Katrina. About 160 hurricane survivors are being housed in the dorms, surrounded by fences, roadblocks, security guards and enough armed police officers to invade Grenada.
There's a credentials unit to process every visitor, an intake unit to provide identification tags and a bag of clothes to every evacuee, several Salvation Army food stations, portable toilets, shuttle buses, a green army-tent chapel with churchservices three times a day and a communications team to keep reporters as far away from actual news as possible.
It probably was easier for a reporter to get inside Gitmo on Tuesday than to penetrate the force field around Lowry.
Breaching Security
But survivors occasionally breached the lockdown and came to the fence to tell their stories, each one astonishing. At a time when it seems ordinary to deliver food and water and provide sanitation to the space station orbiting 200 miles above the Earth, these people watched bodies float past them for days and wondered if help ever would arrive.
:wtf: :wtf: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :banghead: :wtf: