....AWOL throughout much of his first seven months as president in 2001, AWOL on 9-11, AWOL for some 395 days from the beginning of his presidency until and up to the beginning of Katrina as it went across South Florida on up the Gulf until it reached striking distance of the Gulf coast.....then fucking AWOL from the first calls of help from the people in the Gulf and local and state leaders.
My question to Mr. Bush is why? Why did you not feel that you were also the president of these people in the Gulf and therefore need to avail yourself when they called? Is your base of multi-billionaires your only concern? Are the huge military industrial complex corporations ALL you feel responsible to? Do you care more for the Saudis and corrupt politicians of the middle east, then for American citizens and the poorer people who live in this country?
You fucking hypocrite. You elitist bastard. You spoiled rich fraternity brat. You arrogant self righteous snob. You believe only that privilege is your birthright to claim as you see fit, not to earn or demonstrate your worthiness of. You are an American by birth right most certainly. I don't believe you have ever done anything in your life George "AWOL" Bush that gives you the right to claim you are an true American in your heart and in your soul. Even the speeches you bungle your way through are written by others who tell you what to say and how to act.
George "AWOL" Bush, you are a shell of emptiness, filled with horse-shit and putrid sludge instead of blood. Your odor has to be more vile than anything coming out of the toxic, putrid foul mix of sludge being pumped out of the flooded city of New Orleans