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Is it at all possible that, during the UN's dealings with Iraq, that

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-11-05 04:38 PM
Original message
Is it at all possible that, during the UN's dealings with Iraq, that
Saddam actually had WMD programs and dismantled them? We all know Saddam was playing games against the UN before the war. Is it not unreasonable to suggest Saddam was up to no good again? (Saddam has a history, though the US helped create him too - that is undeniable.)

That might explain why Clinton wanted to go after Saddam too (though G.H.W.B. had the sense not to take Saddam out, which in turn would destroy Iraq, though he allowed the use of machine guns in helicopters which in turn helped Saddam to continue to be cruel against his own people...).

I dunno. I'm just trying to make sense of things. Maybe it's true there were no WMDs at all and people were brainwashed into thinking Saddam had a program and dismantled everything... Are there credible websites telling us why Saddam was in full genuine compliance?

Or is this argument so-2003?
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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-11-05 04:43 PM
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1. Not according to UN Inspector General Hans Blix and others
...before and after....NO WMD found or disclosed in IRAQ before the invasion by U.S. That was a total fabrication by BushCo, all of BushCo!
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obxhead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-11-05 04:44 PM
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2. Are there any nuclear power plants in Iraq?
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bahrbearian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-11-05 04:49 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. No the Isrealis took em out,, Talk about attacking your neighbors.
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KC21304 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-11-05 04:52 PM
Response to Original message
4. Saddam dismantled them in 91, just like the UN
told him to. But he needed to let his enemies think that he still had them, or at least not know for sure he didn't. That is the game he was playing. And since there had been no inspectors in since 1998 Clinton was not absolutely positive, nobody could be, that he didn't have them. But Clinton would never have invaded without evidence Saddam was a threat. And there was no evidence that was not manufactured by Bush,Cheney, Wolfowitz.
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