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http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERschollS.htmsome quotes at the end of the article that might have meaning for us today
(1) Sophie Scholl, letter to Fritz Hartnagel serving in the German Army (April, 1940)
There are times when I dread the war and feel like giving up hope completely. I hate thinking about it, but politics are almost all there is, and as long as they're so confused and nasty, it's cowardly to turn your back on them. You're probably smiling at this and telling yourself "She's a girl".
(2) Sophie Scholl, letter to Lisa Remppis (1941)
I think the war is starting to have powerful repercussions in every respect. Sometimes, especially of late, I've felt it grossly unfair to have to live in an age so filled with momentous events. But that's nonsense we're really being presented with scope for direct outside action.
(3) The fifth White Rose leaflet was entitled, Leaflet of the Resistance (February, 1943)
...In the aftermath a terrible but just judgment will be meted out to those who stayed in hiding, who were cowardly and hesitant.
(4) The sixth White Rose leaflet was entitled, Fellow Fighters in the Resistance (February, 1943)
The name of Germany is dishonoured for all time if German youth does not finally rise, take revenge, smash its tormentors. Students! The German people look to us.
(6) Sophie Scholl, speech in court (21st February, 1943)
Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did.