-- according to your own personal observation of the Justice's behavior on and off the bench -- WHAT would you do?
Would this stance on potential drug use by one of your colleagues inform your official USSC opininions regarding enforcement of laws against drug use by ordinary Americans?'
In a spectacular way, this question might expose Roberts's -- and Republicans' in general -- hypocrisy on criminalization of drug use, which has led the US to the highest incarceration rate in the world. Higher than China or Saudi Arabia, with an eight-to-one overall racial disparity against African-Americans. For young African-Americans' life chances, one of the biggest risks is prosecution and long incarceration for the same thing suburbanites do with impunity (do you watch 'Weeds'?).
Most people don't know that during the period Roberts clerked for Rehnquist, Rehnquist had been suffering severe drug impairment for many years. John Dean, of Watergate fame, wrote a column on this issue four years ago, archived at
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20010720.html :
"By 1981, journalists covering the Supreme Court did notice that the highly articulate Rehnquist was having increasing difficulty asking questions from the bench. Reporters who engaged in private conversations with Rehnquist noted that he clearly had 'significant difficulty talking.' But none wrote about it.
It was not until Justice Rehnquist ended up in the hospital in January 1982, and it was learned that the Justice had been "seeing things and hearing things that other people didn't see or hear," did reporters say anything. Even when he was elevated to chief justice, Rehnquist's health records remained sealed during his confirmation hearings. More than this, the Senate Judiciary Committee agreed in advance not to ask him any questions about his health. He did testify about the cloak of secrecy regarding the health of justices, but not about his own condition."
(See also a current DU thread on this issue, at
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x2081938 ).
I'd like to see Ted Kennedy ask nominee Roberts questions like these, if only to set another couple of traps that might help keep the Court from toppling decisively to the Scalia side of things, or to help split the Republican fundie base away from its Wall Street wing on drug issues. Rehnquist's name need not be used, but some in the media would fill in the details for the average Fox News viewer (the National Enquirer?).