Yesterday's murder made me wonder(not the first time),what makes a murderer? Perhaps an explanation that may shed light on this is:
Israelis (indeed the western world as a whole) honor and name schools and streets after scholars, doctors, men and women who gave to the world through good deeds.
Palestinians appear to name and honor schools, camps, and streets after murderers, and suicide bombers. Those who take away life rather than honor and perserve it are the heroes.
Please don't whine about refugees, the number of refugees in the world is legion. Jews were refugees but not murderers of children. Cambodians, Vietnamese, and others have been and are refugees, they don't make war on innocent civilians. Instead look to the leadership in the Arab (not just the Palestinians) world, leaders who honor and revere immans who teach hate; governments that publish textbooks, set up camps, and use the newspapers to enhance hatred these are the problems.
I have come to the conclusion that the question is not what causes hate, that is self-evident, the question is is how to change the culture?