At end of this article, which is entitled, "FEMA chief Brown resigns in wake of Katrina," the following paragraph appears:
"During a visit to Gulfport, Mississippi, Bush was asked about Brown's resignation. He told reporters he had not talked to Brown or to Chertoff but said he would speak with the Homeland Security chief on the Air Force One flight back to Washington."
Is that a polite way to put it, or what? Bush doesn't have a clue.
At least that's what it looks like, and, given what we know about Bush, that is easy to believe.
In normal times, this would have been I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E., that the president didn't know--or appeared not to know--that the head of a major agency had resigned (let alone in the midst of a disaster).
And I don't know what's scarier--that Bush didn't know, or that he pretended not to know because he is not mentally capable of answering questions about it.
The third possibility--that Bush is a shrewd criminal, and just didn't want to be questioned, so he ducked the issue by lying, I have come increasingly to dismiss, of late.
The "eating cake" photo op--while a large chunk of the U.S. was getting blown off the map, and thousands of Americans were dying--indicated to me that Bush's handlers had abandoned him for some reason (at least temporarily), and that he really is a dimwit--stupid, talentless, no leadership abilities whatsoever, not even those of a fascist egotist, and is excessively cretin-like (crude, boorish, limited intelligence) in his raw uncensored form (unspun, unmanaged).
Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" comes to mind. It's almost as if someone were actually sabotaging him. How could his handlers have let that occur on camera? I suspected McCain for a moment, but then I started getting what I now think was really going on. McCain, I think, just does what Bush Cartel operatives tell him to do. Don't know why--he seemed to have powers of discernment at one time. But, anyway, putting two and ten together...
--the pending Treasongate indictments (Rove is an obvious target; also Libby; and Cheney may be vulnerable); --that odd photo op with Daddy Bush and Clinton standing behind Bush Jr. as the man-made part of the disaster unfolded; --FEMA's inexplicable obstruction of offered aid (not to mention failure to provide aid); --reports of Bush's private meeting with Gov. Blanco (trying to strongarm her into handing over the keys to Louisiana, and withholding aid until she agreed--in short, extortion); --Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice (all the key players) AWOL, or seemingly so; --and the P.R. just getting worse and worse, 4 to 5 days, with Bush hanging out there all by himself, with no spin machine in sight...
I concluded:
1) Rove had just negotiated his presidential pardon for Treasongate (withheld his spin machine services--his programming of Bush, strict management of his appearances, enforcing "talking points" on lapdog press, etc--and left Bush without his normal support system in the midst of Katrina, until he got a pardon guarantee);
2) Cheney has the goods on Bush, re Treasongate--can rat him out--and used this to try to get total control (martial law, federalization) of Louisiana, all the better to eat all those aid funds coming from Congress and numerous generous countries, with maybe visions of a high security enclave for the rich in New Orleans, near the country's last oil reserves. He was "gone fishing" in Wyoming, so they said, and seemed utterly oblivious of the worst natural disaster in U.S history, until Halliburton got the first contract, then slithered out of his snakehole and did a photo op. But I don't think he was oblivious, at all. I think he is THE responsible party. And the price of his continuing to protect Bush from Treasongate was that Bush had to force Blanco to turn entire control over to the White House, which had just, by its inaction, destroyed her state and killed thousands of her people.
3. Other Treasongate pardons--and pardons for other things, and bought silences--were probably also being negotiated. Bush was notably without support for nearly the whole week (except for Daddy Bush and Clinton). Rice? Shopping in NYC, buying thousand dollar shoes. Rumsfeld? At a Padres game, and busy ordering the obliteration of an Iraqi village on the Syrian border. Libby? Dunno.
4. Bush is a selfish, cruel, mean little man, and also stupid and clueless, easily manipulated and blackmailed; ripe ground for the worst financial predators in our history to PLAN disasters like Katrina, with an 80% cut of FEMA funding for Louisiana and installation of a lamebrain like Browne, and positively CREATING chaos--as in Iraq--as opportunities for massive looting.
5. The White House is in serious disarray--although the above negotiations may have settled things down a bit. (Spin machine back up and running.) It's divided between the indictable and the unindictable, and possibly also between pro-Bush vs. pro-Cheney factions (and a lot of "party of one" factions).
6. The war profiteers and the disaster profiteers are cleaning our clocks, one last time, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it, because...
Two Bushite electronic voting machine companies now control the tabulation of our votes, with SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code--code so secret that not even our elected secretaries of state have the right to review it. Our elections have become completely non-transparent and unverifiable, as of 2004. Neither Bush/Cheney, nor much of Congress, has been legitimately elected. That is WHY they so clearly are not representing the interests or opinions of the majority of Americans. They don't have to any more.
But...we still have an opportunity to get back our right to vote, and that is what we must do. That is the mechanism of power of the American people--the only way we can exercise our sovereignty directly. We MUST get it back. There can be no other reform without it. Without it, our leaders have NO REASON to listen to us.
The power over election systems still resides in the state/local jurisdictions, where ordinary people still have potential influence. There is A LOT OF corruption--bipartisan--in the new electronic voting boondoggle, but these state/local venues are still our best chance of reform. (Bush's Congress is of course in favor of our corrupt election system, and funded it with $4 billion of our taxpayer dollars--no hope there).
So, here's the program. Join your local election reform group--or form your own--and start demanding transparent, verifiable elections locally. The 'meme': Throw these election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' now! (--or a Louisiana levee might do).
We need:
Paper ballots hand-counted at the precinct level (--Canada does it in one day, although speed should not even be a consideration, just accuracy and verifiability)
or, at the least
Paper ballot (not "paper trail") backup of all electronic voting, a 10% automatic recount, very strict security, and NO SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code! (...jeez!).