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Patrick Rhode, new FEMA poster boy

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nixonwasbetterthanW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:20 PM
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Patrick Rhode, new FEMA poster boy

Brown's chosen replacement -- check


Patrick James Rhode
Chief of Staff

Patrick Rhode was appointed chief of staff for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, part of the new Department of Homeland Security, by President Bush in April 2003. As chief of staff, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the agency and for directing the implementation of Under Secretary Michael Brown's priorities and policies. FEMA coordinates federal disaster relief activities, including the response and recovery operations of 26 federal agencies and departments and the American Red Cross. FEMA's responsibilities also include initiating proactive mitigation activities, training first responders and overseeing the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security in March 2003.

Before joining FEMA, Mr. Rhode was associate administrator at the U.S. Small Business Administration and White House liaison for the Department of Commerce. His first position with the Bush Administration was as special assistant to the President and deputy director of National Advance Operations, a position he assumed in January 2001.

Previously, Mr. Rhode served as deputy director of National Advance Operations for the George W. Bush Presidential Campaign, in Austin, Texas. His other professional credits include serving in communications and public affairs roles in the Texas Department of Agriculture, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, and Entergy Corporation. Earlier in his career, Mr. Rhode was an anchor/reporter with network affiliated television stations in Alabama and Arkansas.

A native of Hot Springs, Ark., Mr. Rhode holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Arkansas, in Fayetteville.
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neweurope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:23 PM
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1. Ah, another "communications" specialist. That was fast, too,
Edited on Mon Sep-12-05 03:24 PM by neweurope
Brown hardly just resigned.

BTW when are you going to have that official "ministry of propaganda"?

Remember Fallujah

Bush to The Hague!
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ThoughtCriminal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:24 PM
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2. Just as dis-qualified as Brown
All PR - no emergency/disaster experience
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Vincardog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:24 PM
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3. Oh at least it is not another Political Hack.
WTF will it take to bring any competence to this Mis Administration?
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MissMarple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:41 PM
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4. Well, why hasn't he resigned along with Brown? He helped make this mess
and gets to duck responsibility for that. How George loves to reward incompetence.
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