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Hat tricks and ass-hats......

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Neocondriac Donating Member (732 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 03:50 PM
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Hat tricks and ass-hats......
I was behind a Ford Excursion in traffic this morning here in Florida with a Bush/Cheney04 sticker, a Kathryn Harris for U.S. Senate sticker and a Calvary Baptist Church sticker.Do these people spend so much time in church that new information just doesn't get in, or is there some sort of Neocon cocoon they crawl into immediately after O'Reilly each night.?????????
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libodem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 05:10 PM
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1. I work my brain over with this all the time
they must just think differently than we far i'm ascribing to the concrete vs analytical theory....that is if you give a saying to different people they will interpret it a rolling stone gathers no moss...concrete version...a rock rolls down hill and nothing sticks to it...abstract version if you move all the time you can't collect many material possessions or if your mind wanders you won't absorb information...some people form an immediate analogy. 'These people' (I hate sounding like this -it's so condescending) but these people are very concrete God is a big man in the sky who wants everyone to vote republican because God's values are the same as the republican party platform...say that men are made like God in his image, and therefore men are the favored sex because they are more like the creator himself and women were an afterthought...much weaker and therefore only meant to be servants and that marriage reflects that the man is the head of the household and the boss of the woman and that any marriage not like that is a threat to marriage and the family...therefore liberals are out to destroy marriage and the family....BTW I'm still working out the kinks...but you see what I mean?
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