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I fear that I have figured out the freep mindset....

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pepperbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:25 PM
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I fear that I have figured out the freep mindset....
or at least part of it.

It took me a LONG time to realize it, so those of you already on this page, please forgive me.

I think it is a fairly honest assessment (and one more Americans are realizing) that:

A. The reasoning behind the Iraq war is dubious at best
B. We still haven’t caught OBL, and his terror network struck again in London
C. Katrina is pretty much one of the worst hours thus far in the history of this administration.
D. We used to have a budget surplus, but now the economy is tanking, with no end in sight, which leads to…
E. The fact that gasoline prices are at an all time high
F. Bush puts his cronies into high positions they can’t always live up to
G. The guy takes a lot of vacations
H. I can’t specifically speak for the entire GOP, but the bush agenda (as so eloquently put by brad whitford on “Real Time” a li’l while back) “leaves some people behind.”

Now all of these are mere talking points and I realize that, but it begs to ask the question:

Regardless of party affiliation or ideology, why would anyone support the guy? I mean, unless you’re rich enough to benefit from those tax cuts, you’re not really
reaping any rewards (the $300 “bread and circuses” refund of 2001 not withstanding)
and the GOP has not proven to be any boon to small businesses, so that leaves the “we might get rich one day” argument out.

This leaves only a few things left on the conservative “TO DO” list and these must be the most important issues of the day for them:

1. overturn Roe v Wade
2. put gays back in the closet,
3. secure the right to bear arms, ditch affirmative action,
4. allow voting machine manufacturers to decide who wins elections,
5. make sure this is a God fearing Christian nation by teaching “alternate” theories of the origin of existence and creating a flag burning amendment (oh, let’s forget that people of other faiths pay taxes and send their kids to public school too)
6. make sure the rest of the Persian Gulf is Christianized (based on freep posts I see, this is no exaggeration)

In short, it seems controlling the lives of other people is a top priority with the more vocal inner party members (the bushoviks, if you will).

Is there a small chance that the rest of the folks that cast that fateful vote in 2004 (sorry, but I still believe we DID WIN in 2000) might actually wake up and see they were duped and that their civil liberties are also at risk under this regime?

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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:28 PM
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1. but have you a cure?
heavy sedation?
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defiant1 Donating Member (452 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:29 PM
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4. Heavy extinction???
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:28 PM
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2. Ensure White Christian Male superiority
People always get mad at me when I ask why white men need their own party, but it's true. That's all it's about. At least for those white men who are afraid of competing on an equal playing field.
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jasmeel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:29 PM
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3. I don't know. They're pretty good at buying into repuke spin.
It's depressing to think about it.
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marbuc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:30 PM
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5. Don't forget repealing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
They don't like "special treatment" of any kind.
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