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I've learned my lesson - re flame bait

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never_get_over_it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:33 PM
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I've learned my lesson - re flame bait
Ok the purpose of this post is to not discuss John Kerry. It is to set the record straight. I just made a post that said I was disappointed in John Kerry ....

from that I was accused of being, not sincere, a liar, someone stating they weren't surprised that I missed some article about Kerry calling it close to criminal negligence, questioning of my patriotism and not knowing much about politics

Well I'd like to answer a few of these comments outside the Kerry content of the post:

Three things:

I AM NOT A LIAR - I did not post this because I wanted to start a flame bait - as I said I joined DU shortly after it was started. I found DU I think from Buzzflash and it was at times a great source of comfort for me - I joined to be around like minded people and to vent my frustration. Although I did mention flame bait in my original post I did not start it because I wanted a flame bait post I posted it because I was very frustrated and disappointed in Kerry and a lot of the Dem leaders

I know a lot about politics - I have been involved in politics my whole life, I have worked in more campaigns that I can remember and I have a degree in political science. Just because I'm sick of the Dems holding back and acting gentlemanly or whatever does not mean I don't understand politics - I understand completely and there has not been a better time for the Dems to pounce on this ass hole in the WH then when his polls are at 38% and btw hows that acting gentlemanly and biding their time and acting like repunk light working out for them.

and lastly I can't imagine my patriotism being questioned because I'm diappointed in John Kerry - isn't that a little like the * administration calling us unpatriotic and traitors if we question the invasion of Iraq

I apologize to all of you who are upset about the flame bait - it is one thing to question my opinion of John Kerry but it is quite another to call me a liar and other such things. I've had to go away from DU from time to time and I guess now might be the time because now not only am I disappointed in John Kerry but I am disappointed in some of my fellow DUers.

and btw for those who pointed out that Kerry bashed Bush at the Corzine rally - thanks I didn't know that and I'm glad he did and I hope he keeps it up and that the MSM reports it -

Thanks for "listening"

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LittleClarkie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:38 PM
Response to Original message
1. You probably shouldn't have included "Flame away John Kerry apologists"
Edited on Mon Sep-12-05 04:39 PM by LittleClarkie
in your OP if your intention was not to start a flame fest.

Cut the drama. You posted a flame thread, and it got flamed. Gee, who'da thunk it.

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
2. I always assume regular posters like you only missed the truth behind what
Edited on Mon Sep-12-05 04:47 PM by blm
Kerry is doing because the coverage of him has always been lacking.

That's why I give the laundry list, no matter how repetitive it sounds.

There are definitely others up to no good for the Dem party, and I expect some folks less familiar with your history assumed you were just another basher. There have been many recently, and they tend to show up on Kerry threads pointing out his postive actions. Those are the ones who bear watching, not someone letting off steam because of poorly worded press articles.

Here's my reply to you that may have been missed:

15. Why don't you read Kerry's own comments and look into his actions since

the hurricane hit.

Kerry sent a supply plane to Miss. the day after the hurricane hit. Then he went to Iraq. When he returned he crafted a package of legislation to relieve small businesses hit by Katriina. He also set up a congressional investigation into the 9-11 funds that were targeted for small businesses effected by that event that found their way, instead, into businesses owned by friends of Bush and Cheney. He wants the investigation now to expose the ploy so it doesn't happen to Katrina funds.

Then in a speech last Saturday he said Bush's actions bordered on CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. Few papers carried the comment.

Now he's sending a second plane of needed supplies while he has a column running in some papers.
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lastknowngood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 05:50 PM
Response to Original message
3. Here is a better idea just flame away and move on never to
return to the thread. Let them stew in their own anger. The wimps who are supposed to be our "leaders" are afraid to attack the shrub no mater what he does. If he were to shoot Sen. Byrd on the floor of the senate not one dem "leader" would condemn him. I have given up on these cowards.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 06:48 PM
Response to Original message
4. Locking...
This is a continuation of an
argument from a thread which
was locked as flamebait.
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