Per our conversation: TO DRIVERS AND PASSENGER ON CARAVANS please have written emergency info to leave with us so we have contact info here at home for everyone going. Include your skills that you think might be of need in the area such as construction, medical background, etc. bring sleeping comforts such as sleeping bag, tent, cot, air mattress or whatever. bring all personal items, enough for however long you plan to stay in LA and MS you may be going into other areas besides Covington, depending on the need, so bring enough food for a week including sterno (camping gear would probably be helpful), remember, think roughing it. if you stay in Covington food will be supplied by the VFP group there. if needed, gas money will be provided, however, bring money with yourself for use while there. Chapter 116 will be helping all volunteers to the extent able, but don't go there without some funds. there is electricity and some businesses now open in Covington, but remember this is a disaster area, it's not like home and the out lying areas being helped are really in bad conditions. cell phone communications are weak at best, so don't count on cell phone to communicate with family, etc. They have just gotten satellite service into the VFP group, so hopefully soon that will be available for use. Michael Moore's staff is there in Covington and in partnership with VFP people there, so you are not going into a situation of no leadership. If you are standing around with nothing to do, find someone and ask for work to be done. people bringing vehicles...the Camp Covington VFP group there will provide gas, if needed, for your driving and distributing supplies to various areas. we are asking people to commit to a week to two weeks if possible, but if you can only go out and come back, that's fine also. Any other questions....please call!!!!!!!!! or email!!!!!!!!!! The following email came from Pat Tate in Camp Covington, LA. We are so proud of the work they are doing, all of them. AS you can tell they need more people, now and for relief of the workers there. Please, please come forth with vans, pick-ups, SUV's or whatever, to caravan to Covington on Wednesday and Friday of this week. Even cars, if that's all you have, you can carry people right. If needed, we (VFP) will cover your gas and food on trip to and from Covington. Ask your friends to come with you, we need relief drivers also, this is a straight through drive folks. Please call (949)830-3604 or email us KELLYSBIZ@COX.NET ASAP if you are willing to make the commitment to the efforts at Camp Covington & Beyond Caravans of Hope! Please forward this to everyone you can! Thank you all so much for your efforts now and in Covington. God bless. Dan & Kathie Kelly Camp Covington & Beyond Caravans of Hope Veterans For Peace, Chapter 110 Orange County, CA kellysbiz@cox.net (949)830-3604 www.vfpchapter110.org www.vfp.typepad.com Kathie, We unloaded 55 pallets of supplies yesterday evening from their 54' semi. All done with manpower, it took under 2 hours. With luck all supplies will be distributed by days end today. We have many volunteers, but will need more for the effort to be sustained. Jim and crew arrived at around 5:30 PM local time and we pulled about 60 volunteers from camp to unload. The system works though we are still seeking a forklift.
Waging Peace,
Anyone interested in helping, this is hands down the best bunch of people you could ever possibly get involved with in helping!! 1000 times and then some!!
pm me if you have questions or call the above number. MODS, I have permission to put out the phone numbers! Thank you!