Someone needs to tell Chris Matthews that he's a day late & a dollar short
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Mon Sep-12-05 04:57 PM
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Someone needs to tell Chris Matthews that he's a day late & a dollar short |
Is he taking cues from the B*sh administration showing up now in NO?
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Mon Sep-12-05 05:06 PM
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1. I seriously believe that Rove threatened him/has something on him |
He was one of the few to ask hard questions of the swiftboaters. He went on a rampage when the GOP used clips from Hardball out of context to misrepresent Kerry. He questioned Zell on his BS repug convention speech.
Rove cut access off, and then Matthews went all nicey nicey even claiming that Bush won the debates. But it seems to me like there is more here that just having 'access' cut off. . .I think matthews fears being "roved"
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Mon Sep-12-05 05:08 PM
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2. Maybe but, since he's there, lets get him to start asking questions |
about the body count. He's there, must be able to talk to someone down there who's actually been in the morgues.
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Mon Sep-12-05 05:11 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. he's only hardball on dems and progressives. don't expect him to |
try to uncover any real truths...he's bought and sold his sould to the dark side. I don't even bother to watch him anymore.
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Tue Sep-13-05 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. I don't watch him much either but, once in a while he accidentally |
does something vaguely journalistic. He has a huge ego so maybe, if he thinks he could scoop others, he might try to get some answers!!
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Tue Sep-13-05 11:06 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. His show is only good when David Gregory is guest-hosting. |
If that tells you anything.
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Tue Sep-13-05 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. Yah, I watch whenever Gregory is on. Maybe we need to email |
MSNBC and tell them how much we like Gregory and how badly Chris now sucks wind!! I email Chrissy Pooh every couple of days to ask him when he's going to get off his Clinton rant. I email MSNBC at least once a week to point out that Mathews hates the Clintons so much that he is totally unprofessional about it. His rants against them are childish and self important and they make MSNBC look like total political hacks.
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Tue Sep-13-05 10:59 AM
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5. Chris is such a tough manly guy... |
he wants to be able to say he stood where a body was found. He doesn't actually want to SEE any though.
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Tue Sep-13-05 11:10 AM
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Do they want to FLOOD NO again? IF he starts flapping his lips and the spittle starts to flow more will DIE..
His mouth is like a Levee, drooling idiot.. I wouldn't interview him without a splash guard like you get over a salad bar..
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:05 PM
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