I sent this to a conservative Christian women's list I belong to, after a woman said, "I don't see how any Christian could vote for Kerry" (I just had, for the first time in my life, voted for a democrat)
Luke 11:17 and 12:51-53 - But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
What's completely true is that our nation is divided. I'm fairly sure God doesn't want His Church to be the mouthpiece of any political party, and I'm quite sure that His Truth doesn't lie with the political pundits on the major news networks.
We need to remember to look where God wants us to look to see His Truth. I have heard so many friends unknowingly repeat things from the media which are skewed. It's all about the spin. For example, "Bush had the largest popular vote ever" - Did the media also say that Kerry had the second largest popular vote ever? Nope. They both beat the record from Reagan's 1984 election landslide... Bush(04): 59MM Kerry(04): 55.5MM Reagan(84): 54.5MM The IMPORTANT thing that should have been touted is that we had record VOTER turnout.
There were shenanigans from ALL parties which all Christians should fight against in future presidential elections. For example: -Some people were intentionally sent reminders to vote on November 3 -Phone lines were deliberately jammed to prevent handicapped voters -from calling to receive a ride to the polls -Party-biased groups posed as survey teams, took new voter -registration cards, and destroyed the registrations if they didn't have the right party affiliation -Tires were slashed for vehicles intended for "Get out the vote" work -"Investigators" entered elderly voters' homes in an attempt to intimidate them...
Rather than fight over whether one candidate is better than another, if Christians really want to be able to rejoice at the end of an election, they should band together to support campaign reform, promote candidates who really support Christian values(principle vs issues), and prevent voter disinfranchisement.
I don't feel there's much to rejoice about in this election - I really do feel that neither candidate was an appropriate choice. Kerry waffled too much, and I find it hypocritical that while Bush's marketing campaigns were directed at religious conservatives that he doesn't belong or go to a church. Can he walk the walk? Jimmy Carter had enough time to go to church and teach Sunday School when he was President - but Carter didn't golf nearly as much.
Our nation is divided - I pray for our leaders and the world, and I pray that the Christians of this nation will take control over the process rather than hope that one of the parties serves up a "lesser of two evils".