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Ken Schram Commentary: Proud To Be A 62-Percenter

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rsmith6621 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 09:45 PM
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Ken Schram Commentary: Proud To Be A 62-Percenter
September 12, 2005

By Ken Schram

SEATTLE - Newsweek says it's at 38%.

I'm left wondering how even 38% of the people in this country can still approve of the job being done by President George W. Bush.

Just what is there to approve of?

Those weapons of mass destruction?

The capture of Osama bin Laden?

The national debt?

Must be Katrina.

Yeah. Must be the STUPENDOUS leadership shown by the President in the wake of that hurricane.

It must be how the President and his administration used those elements of his Homeland Security Act to rush in and take control, just like it's outlined in Title V, Section 501 and Section 502.

Wait. Maybe it's how decisively - and quietly - the President threw away a 75-year-old law (the Davis-Bacon Act) that would have guaranteed prevailing local wages to all the workers who'll have to be hired to rebuild ravaged areas of Louisiana and Mississippi.

I've been inundated with e-mails from some of them thar 38-percenters; those "I-love-my-President-no-matter-what-'cause-I'm-Re-pub-li-can."

And while they basically tell me I'm a scurrilous sack of stale, stinking sewage for having the audacity to be what they term a "Bush-basher", I at least have the good sense to recognize the President for what he is, and what he is not.

I'm proud to be one of those 62-percenters.
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valerief Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 09:49 PM
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1. I can't understand how any can like Riverdance, either.
Edited on Mon Sep-12-05 09:50 PM by valerief
BTW, good article.
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