Although the three who died were not from the US, nonetheless, Paulson did set off a national panic where duct tape, visclean and water supplies were emptied off store shelves. What happened to these people could happen anywhere... Three people died of suffocation after sealing their home with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Status: True.
In mid-March 2003 the Associated Press reported on the demise by suffocation of three Israeli Arabs (a woman and her two teenage sons) in the town of Kfar Kassem, all of whom had spent the night in a room of the family home which had been sealed with plastic sheeting and duct tape against a possible Iraqi chemical missile attack.
Police said the three lost their lives because a coal-fueled heater in an adjacent room sucked oxygen from the room they were sleeping in, which was designed to stop air from entering but allowed air to escape. Around 5 a.m., the husband awoke and realized his wife and their two teens (ages 13 and 14) were not breathing, police said. Their two younger children (ages 3 and 4) survived.
By the by, although everyone (including us) calls that all-purpose handyman's necessity "duct tape," it is more properly styled "duck tape," which was the original name of the cloth-backed, waterproof adhesive developed for the U.S. Army to keep moisture out of ammunition cases.