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Big government Liberal?

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JohnnyRingo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:17 AM
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Big government Liberal?

Column: Big-government liberal? Look who's talking

By Steve Rundio

There are two types of big government. There's big-government liberalism, in which the government administers broad-based entitlements (Social Security, Medicaid) and provides services collectively that individuals can't purchase on their own (police protection, roads, public parks, etc.). Has this vision suffered from excess and waste? Of course. But it has raised the standard of living for most Americans. The elderly can't buy affordable health insurance on the private market, and most individuals can't purchase their own personal police or fire protection. At the very least, big-government liberalism's heart is in the right place.

There's nothing good about big-government conservatism. It's an iron triangle of politicians, lobbyists and industry wallowing in the spoils of government contracting and favoritism linked to campaign contributions. The recipient of big-government liberalism is likely to be a 90-year-old who can't get out of bed, or a pregnant teen in need of pre-natal care. The recipient of big-government conservatism is a Halliburton executive or someone who lobbies on Halliburton's behalf. The owners of Lenco Industries certainly did well when the $180,000 Lenco BearCat assault vehicle landed in La Crosse.

Big-government liberals vs. big-government conservatives? Score this one for Ron Kind.

Steve Rundio is the editorial page editor for Tomah Newspapers.

Entire article:

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radwriter0555 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:18 AM
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1. bush's version of big government is as effective for the people as Mao's &

Patterned the same too.

All for the rich, none for anyone else.
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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:19 AM
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2. Well said. n/t
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1932 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:30 AM
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3. From '45 to '96, US spent 18 trillion on defense, 8 trillion on social sec
and 5 trillion servicing the debt incurred to give so much money to defense contractors. Those were the top three government expenditures during that period.

Big government conservativism is what America is all about.
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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:38 AM
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4. The book by Briody entitled The Halliburon Agenda
describes this phenomenon. Johnson, a liberal, started the move from big liberal government to big conservative government as he helped Brown & Root grab huge government contracts. Fascinating book. Fascinating story.
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