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Words we need to hear from reporters in a Post-Katrina era

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:29 AM
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Words we need to hear from reporters in a Post-Katrina era's the deal, media...

The public is through cutting you guys slack. You gave *² a pass in '99,'00,'01,'02, and '03. During those years the whole world has suffered because YOU all portrayed him as an affable goof, but someone who has a good nature. Lots of us knew this to be false, but WE do not run around with microphones, cameras and sound people and we do not have TV and radio shows. YOU DO !

You gave him a pass and we ended up in a war that may trigger terrorism like we have yet to see. There is no way to know how many innocent people will die in the future because our *² had to poke the hornets' nest with that big ole stick he likes to tote around..

Lots of you drooled at the fancy graphics,the clanging music and the chance to "get embedded" with the soldiers..(vicarious warriors intent on "playing war")...

Your lack of attention to FACTS helped that phony defeat (or did he?) a person who DID fight for his country, and allowed the Toxic Texan to continue his "reign"..

He is DANGEROUS and we are now stuck with him until '09..

His bungling inattention has cost almost 2000 soldiers, untold Iraqis, and poor people by the thousands in our own country, their lives.

People all across the world have "peeked into our windows" and they now KNOW without any doubt, that poor people (especially people of color) have NO value to our government. Those bodies on the streets for DAYS proved it beyond any doubt. Those people were someone's Mother, Father, Grandmother, Brother, Sister. But to *² and his cronies, they were faceless, nameless "poorfolk" more deserving of kindness and decent treatment than their ancestors were 400 years ago.. ....

We NEED to hear words like:


We have been shoving all the "unpleasantness" under the rug for too many years... We have lifted up the corner of the rug, and guess what?? There are BODIES under it..

The time for the cutesy little games is OVER... Hold their feet to the fire..If they LIE, SAY IT..
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me b zola Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:47 AM
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1. True. and we are beginning to hear some shades of that.
Just as importantly, we need to hear them say why they have been carrying the water for the neo-thugs all this time. Any time they speak out about the pressure they are under to suppress the truth, that is a victory.

I missed Anderson Cooper tonight, but Stephanie reports in her thread that AC states clearly that bush*inc is trying to censor the news:

May the truth come to light.
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 01:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I just fear that they will slink back into the corners
and fall back into their old ways.. I have fingers crossed :)
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me b zola Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 02:30 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I share your fear, and the crossed fingers :^ )
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AirAmFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 03:23 PM
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4. Don't forget "out of touch", "had to burn a DVD of the news", "reality",
Edited on Tue Sep-13-05 03:30 PM by AirAmFan
and "spin". Like father, like son.

One of the main reasons Poppy Bush had a short stay at the WH was public perception that he was "out of touch" with the realities ordinary Americans faced every day. A deceptively innocent NY Times article really resounded with Americans in 1992, just before the start of campaign season. Bush was portrayed as flabbergasted by supermarket barcode technology, which millions of Americans had seen weekly for more than a decade. Didn't GHW EVER shop at a grocery store, like everybody else?

It's unlikely that many in MSM would now favor calling Dubya a "liar"--though many may have come to the conclusion by now that liar he is. But perhaps even more damaging to Dubya would be portraying him as unable to respond quickly to national emergencies because:

--he doesn't watch the news on TV or read the newspaper;

--aides are afraid to intrude into the weasel's fantasy-world; and

--everything he says has to be scripted because, as Kurt Vonnegut said on Bill Maher this past weekend, our president has absolutely no command of any intellectual discipline: not economics, not history, and certainly not science.

That story would explain many things Dubya has done that otherwise would continue to puzzle millions of Americans. Why does he continue to push dismantling Social Security? How can he make EVEN MORE "tax cuts" for the rich his top priority? How could he impose restrictions on stem cell research that could help so many millions of people?

And, best of all, "President out of touch" on the minds of millions would lead to dozens of great comedy monologues, Saturday Night Live could be funny again, etc. It's the comedians who really may have brought down Dick Nixon. Dubya's very name could make millions of Americans laugh heartily in a year, if bad PR for the "President" is handled right. Dubya is not so much a liar as a joke.
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nonconformist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 03:25 PM
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5. And on the heels of the 9/11 anniversary...
"where is Osama bin Laden?"

Point. Set. Match.
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