Just in case you forgot, Ann Wright was the diplomat who resigned in protest over the Iraqi war. Here is
letter of resignation.
More than anyone else in Crawford, Ann Wright was the most incredible person I met at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas. The spot-light was on Cindy Sheehan, but it was Ann's leadership that kept it all together. The people of the United States lost one of it's best minds when Ms. Wright left.
ON EDIT: Excerpt from her resignation letter:
When I last saw you in Kabul in January, 2002 you arrived to officially open the US Embassy that I had helped reestablish in December, 2001 as the first political officer. At that time I could not have imagined that I would be writing a year later to resign from the Foreign Service because of US policies. All my adult life I have been in service to the United States. I have been a diplomat for fifteen years and the Deputy Chief of Mission in our Embassies in Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan (briefly) and Mongolia. I have also had assignments in Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Grenada and Nicaragua. I received the State Department's Award for Heroism as Charge d'Affaires during the evacuation of Sierra Leone in 1997. I was 26 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and participated in civil reconstruction projects after military operations in Grenada, Panama and Somalia. I attained the rank of Colonel during my military service.