"Six in 10 African-Americans say the fact that most hurricane victims were poor and black was one reason the federal government failed to come to the rescue more quickly. Whites reject that idea; nearly 9 in 10 say those weren't factors."
"mages of the looters shown grabbing food, water and TV sets also split along racial lines. Whites by 50%-44% say most of those involved were criminals taking advantage of a situation. Blacks by 77%-16% say they were mostly desperate people trying to find a way to survive.
"We live in a great land, a land of opportunity," says Gilda Hutcheson, 59, a retired railroad worker in Morrow, Ga., who responded to a request for comments on usatoday.com. "If black leaders would spend as much time encouraging people to be self-reliant as they spend encouraging the free handouts from the government, then the people left in New Orleans would have had the means and opportunity to have bought that $50 bus ticket and have gotten out ahead of the storm."