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IRAQ: Cindy & DSM underlined lies, when will real reasons break through?

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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 10:28 AM
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IRAQ: Cindy & DSM underlined lies, when will real reasons break through?
Edited on Tue Sep-13-05 10:48 AM by yurbud
I have posted on this several times, including passing this on to activists.

The DSM gave pretty definitive proof that the Bushies and Blair knew they were lying about why they wanted to go to war. Cindy's "what noble cause?" vigil added emotional and visceral depth to the reality that we were lied into war.

The case that has yet to be made is the real reasons we went into Iraq. It is not enough to hold up a sign that says "No blood for oil" and think the case has been made.

Making this piece of the Iraq story widely known will not only increase the pressure to withdraw from Iraq but might innoculate the public and Congress against the same drumbeat for war with IRAN which is already well underway and seems to be the primary reason Bush wanted the anti-diplomat John Bolton at the UN so badly.

As far as I can tell, these are some of the underlying causes that have been pretty well documented, and mentioned by some of the players like PNAC, Cheney, Jay Garner, and CIA and Pentagon intel analysts like Ray McGovern and Karen Kwiatkowski who worked under neocons the first couple of years of Bush:

1. World oil production has peaked and will begin to decline. The Middle East will be the last area to be sucked dry, making the oil there that much more valuable.

2. Iraq has the world's second largest oil reserves. The sanctions on Iraq were about to be lifted, and Saddam had given drilling concessions to Russia and France. The Bush people weren't content to replace them with American companies, they wanted to privatize and sell off all the oil rights in Iraq, effectively taking control of their natural resources out of their hands. Greg Palast was given the state department document outlining this plan, Grover Norquist confirmed he worked on it on camera, and General Jay Garner said on camera he was fired because he said privatization of oil would inflame resistance to occupation (and he was right) You can see these documents and interviews in Palast's timeline.

3. In addition to getting American oil companies hands on Iraq's oil, Iraq is a central position to influence, intimidate, or invade neigboring oil producing countries not only in the Persian Gulf, but in the Caspian Sea region. Gen. Garner said this, that Iraq was meant to serve as a "coaling station," a forward base to project power in the region the way the Philippines was for most of the 20th century.

This is NOT about getting oil for America. Whoever has their hand on the spigot would be foolish to pass up a customer who uses a fourth of the world supply of their product, and if they charged too much for it, even the reddest red stater will start looking fondly at hybrids, electrics, and anything else that might be cheaper to run. This is about which companies profit from this increasingly scarce commodity.

4. Saddam switched to trading oil in Euros, which led to the decline of the dollar and was likely to inspire his neighbors like Iran to do the same, which could break the back of our economy (I don't know entirely how this works, but it's hard to miss the steady decline of the dollar).

If you reply to this post, please don't insult my and everyone else's intelligence by saying anything about WMD, terrorism, or spreading democracy. You only have to look at the Bush policy toward Venezuela to see how seriously the Bushies care about democracy.
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 11:05 AM
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1. deafening silence on this...
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