Sounds like the local pols have some soul searching to do for a lack of preparedness. There is more that they could have done, beyond what they are doing. That is an issue for the locals.
Certainly there could have been plans to utilize city busses and in conjunction with the Governor, bus evacuees to cites in Northern Louisiana. And of course, there would have had to be elaborate plans for making sure there were enough drivers, and that the drivers families were taken care of (so the bus drivers could do their jobs without worry etc...), and making sure they had funds for refueling and rations for the ride, and proper shelter and rations once they got there ... etc...
On the NATIONAL level we have a situation where people weren't doing ANYTHING at all. In fact, they seemed to have been actively HINDERING relief efforts. No question, the overwhelmed mayor spent all his efforts trying to PREVENT the city from drowning rather than making sure people were evacuated in the event the city did drown. But the feds did nothing at all.