Edited on Tue Sep-13-05 01:00 PM by jane_pippin
Not to mar the fine work of Jason Alexander and Larry David, but for the past few years I've found myself shouting "That's the Costanza Defense you bastard!" when I see Georgie Boy* on the tv.
As George Costanza often said on Seinfeld, "It's not a lie if you believe it!" Meaning, if you think what you're saying is true you're not technically lying. You might be wrong, but you're not lying.
Now, I believe Bush is a liar but I also believe he and his Rovian masters are quite good at using this Costanza line of "reasoning." Take, for example, the intelligence they chose to believe about WMD in Iraq. It backed up what they wanted it to, they believed it, (or they tell us they did anyway), so when they made statements like "our intelligence indicates Saddam has WMD therefore we must bomb Iraq" they were bustin' out The Costanza Defense.
Today Shrubby McChimpster says he takes responsibility "to the extent that" the federal government was responsible for screwing up the response to Katrina.
Say it with me: That's the Costanza Defense, you bastard!
Why? Because * and his GOP Pals routinely blamed state and local officials over the feds for this monumental screw-up. So, assuming he even believes the feds screwed up in the first place he must not believe they were largely responsible. If the feds aren't as responsible then he's taking responsibility for pretty much not screwing up (in his eyes). Therefore, his statement today wasn't technically a lie--he believes he is taking responsibility for something, even if it's a minor something, (again, minor in his eyes)--and this allows him to look like a "leader" when in reality it's just a lot of pandering to "the folks." Welcome to the beauty of The Costanza Defense.
I don't know if I explained that well enough, but I believe I did. Who needs a Junior Mint? :D