Rove is out of tricks and it's the last thing left: Chimpy accepts "responsibility."
He will address the nation Thursday and promise to make us better prepared for hurricanes, or terrorist attacks, in the future.
His poll numbers will level out, perhaps bump up a bit. But he'll have taken a permanent hit from Katrina, even though it won't be fatal, as much as we at DU all think he deserves to be impeached and deported to Mars.
Then, as rebuilding in the Gulf begins, we'll be back to Iraq, his next Supreme Court nominee, the estate tax, Social Security privatization, and his other messes. Katrina will have dented the GOP, given us an opening for 2006, where we should focus.
The media will be a little tougher on Bush than it was before, but we can also expect that it will pick up the story of the next blonde white woman who disappears somewhere.
As the old saying goes, "A luta continua": The struggle continues.