Hrm. I know people have been grumbling about possible threats/strikes on Iran/Syria, what with the invasion of (at least) Iran's airspace, among other things. It just occurred to me (and I'm likely not the only one, but I missed any threads that stated it outright) that one possible reason for the bad showing was the government ramping up for military action in another part of the world entirely. So the scenario goes, we had our pants down for a natural disaster because so many were organizing for a disaster of a different sort.
Personally, I think it's likelier (based on the information I have) that Bush is trying to do such a bad job with FEMA that it gets dismantled, freeing the Feds from actually having to be responsible for our citizens in case of a natural emergency.
Still, anyone notice an escalation in Syria/Iran recently? I guess I should say an escalation past the bullshit we're already trying to start with them?