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Good Lord - it's an Intervention....

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MsTryska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 03:15 PM
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Good Lord - it's an Intervention....
I was jsut telling my roommate last night, dubya is like that wifebeater/drunk you accidentally marry....

America's Battered Wife Syndrome
by Gail Thomas

Dear America,

As a friend of the family I can’t sit back and watch you do this to yourself without saying something. Consider this a long distance intervention.

Your man is no good. He treats you like crap, lies to you, abuses you, bullies you, exploits you, takes your money. As a friend I want to tell you that you deserve better. You deserve a person that treats you with respect, cares about your welfare, and your children’s welfare, but that’s not George and it never will be.

Do you tell yourself that he’ll stop, or that it won’t get worse? He won’t ever stop, every insult, injury and death he has caused are a line that once crossed will never be uncrossed. Forget the dream. You will never have the American dream with George. You have to forget about what might have been, what George might have been, and realise that at the end of the day you are what you do, and look at George’s track record.

Notice how he’s alienated all your friends? Who can blame them, they can’t understand why you stay with him when he treats you like shit and embarrasses you in front of everybody. The more his public behaviour overshadows yours, The more doubt creeps over them, they wonder if they knew you as well as they thought they did. You seem to have changed - if you condone his behaviour- and your silence can create the impression that you do. People are more inclined to take things at face value when they feel alienated. Your friends remember the good times you had together, the heroic battles you fought together, all of the intricate interweavings between their families and yours through time and space. Do you even recognise yourself anymore America? He is a drunken, coke-addled loser and he always will be, you should kick him out of your house today before he can destroy any more members of your family, your history, your culture, before he decimates your bank account so irretrievably that China and Saudi Arabia repossess all your stuff.....
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Verve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 03:39 PM
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1. So true. Needs to be sent to Repub. friends. Nominated! n/t
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donkeyotay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 06:02 PM
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2. The world is sending us aid, advice and intervention... but
Edited on Tue Sep-13-05 06:02 PM by donkeyotay
We know he's "a drunken, coke-addled loser," and - if we lived in a democracy - we'd get rid of him. But we can't because we don't. We've called the cops but they don't come.

Thanks for your sympathy and kindness. You've been most patient. Try not to wind up like us.
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