Barbara Bush's responses to other disasters (satire)
Horse with no Name
(1000+ posts)
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Tue Sep-13-05 03:24 PM
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Barbara Bush's responses to other disasters (satire) |
Edited on Tue Sep-13-05 03:27 PM by Horse with no Name
*Regarding the three day gun battle in Saudi Arabia..."They're getting (she smiles mischievously) some REALLY good target practice.
*Concerning the continuing search for Al Quaeda..."This reminds me (she giggles impetuously) of the snipe hunts of my youth.
*As to the wary Londoners return to mass transit..."Those people are saving lots of pounds on petrol. At least (she chuckles merrily) I think that's how they'd say it.
*On the Iraqi report that most of the civilian population had fled the city..."All that fleeing on foot (she guffaws loudly) will have those people in tip-top condition."
On edit: Source--Daily Comedy
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